Vietnam News

Vietnam welcomes nearly 10mn int’l tourists in Jan-Jul

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The number of international visitor arrivals to Vietnam neared 10 million between January and July this year, soaring 51 percent year on year and improving 1.9 percent against the pre-pandemic level in 2019, according to data released by the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism.

In the seven-month period, most of Vietnam’s tourist source markets reported an expansion with Asia surging 57 percent.

The key markets were mainland China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.

The numbers of visitors from the UK, France, Russia, and Italy rose 25, 33, 75, and 61 percent, respectively, although Vietnam is in the low travel season.

Other potential markets, including Australia and India, maintained their growth momentum with a rise of 27 percent each.

Tourism promotion activities conducted by the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism in Australia in June were expected to boost the growth of this market in the coming time. 

Digital travel platform Agoda recently revealed an increase of 26 percent in searches for Vietnamese destinations by Australian tourists between June 6 and 24 this year.

In Asia, South Korea remained the largest source market of Vietnam’s tourism with nearly 2.6 million South Korean arrivals to Vietnam, making up 26 percent.

It was followed by China with 2.1 million tourists.

The top ten source markets of Vietnam’s tourism also included Japan, Malaysia, Australia, and others.

Chairman of the Vietnam Tourism Association Vu The Binh said the target of 17-18 million international tourists this year was lower than Vietnam’s tourism potential.

The association’s members look to serve over 20 million foreign travelers this year, Binh noted. 

By Thanh Ha & Nhu Binh – Tuoi Tre News – July 31, 2024

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