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Boeing pledges to support Vietnam with aviation ecosystem development

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Boeing was committed to helping Vietnam build an aviation ecosystem in the coming time, Brendan Nelson, senior vice-president of The Boeing Company and president of Boeing Global, told a meeting in New York on Sunday with Vietnam’s Party General Secretary and State President To Lam, as part of the top Vietnamese official’s ongoing trip to the U.S ?

The Boeing executive stressed that the support would focus on infrastructural development, workforce training, airport construction, and aircraft repair and maintenance facilities, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

Nelson reaffirmed that Boeing had organized several meetings with leaders of Vietnam Airlines to provide financial support and seek solutions to both immediate and long-term challenges, with determination to fulfill the contract signed during U.S. President Joe Biden’s visit to Vietnam last year by 2028. 

He underlined that developing the aviation industry would give more opportunities to the country and Vietnamese people.

Appreciating Boeing’s business achievements, as well as its support for Vietnamese airlines, Party General Secretary and State President Lam thanked the corporation and acknowledged its commitments to support Vietnam in developing its aerospace and aviation industrial ecosystem in the coming time.

Speaking of the strong growth of the Vietnam-U.S. relationship, especially after the two countries upgraded their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership in September last year, the top Vietnamese official affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, state, and people are committed to creating favorable conditions in accordance with legal regulations for U.S. companies in general, and Boeing in particular, to invest and operate effectively and sustainably in Vietnam. 

He encouraged Boeing to continue closely collaborating with Vietnamese partners to complete and deliver the aircraft orders signed in the past. 

Also, he urged the U.S. aerospace company to research and invest in building component manufacturing factories and a regional maintenance center linked to major airports in Vietnam.

He called on the firm to enhance cooperation in human resource training, research and development, and technology transfer to help Vietnamese partners join Boeing’s supply chain more deeply. 

Apart from highly valuing the top Vietnamese leader’s vision and perspective regarding the importance of the aviation economy in supporting Vietnam’s socio-economic development, Nelson underscored that Boeing’s strategies and commitments to Vietnam in the immediate future aim to ensure that more residents have access to aviation services. 

Party General Secretary and State President Lam, accompanied by his spouse and an entourage, arrived in the U.S. late on Saturday afternoon (local time) to attend the United Nations Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79), as well as engage in other working sessions in the North American country.

The Vietnamese leader was set to attend the two-day Summit of the Future on Sunday and Monday, themed ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Future,’ and the UNGA 79, centered on ‘Leaving No One Behind: Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Present and Future Generations,’ which lasts from Tuesday through Saturday.

Vietnam News Agency – September 23, 2024

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