Vietnam News

Vietnam needs committed collaboration to dismantle cybercrime networks

The swift adoption of digital technologies in Vietnam has increased the country’s vulnerability to cyber threats. Between 2020–21, ransomware attacks surged by nearly 200 per cent in Vietnam, while 14,000 cyberattacks were reported in 2023, affecting around 83,000 computers and servers. This marks a 9.5 per cent rise in cyberattacks from 2022. The authorities also recorded at least 740 million USD lost by online scams in 2024, with further growth anticipated. 

Phishing accounts for 32.6 per cent of cybercrime, while 27.4 per cent target vulnerabilities in software and 25.3 per cent target organisation websites. Cybercriminals, including Chinese hacker groups, have notably targeted Vietnam.

As the UN General Assembly prepares for the 2025 UN Convention against Cybercrime signing ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnam must employ a combination of synchronous measures to combat cyber threats effectively while seeking international support. 

Developing and enforcing robust cyber laws that address data breaches, identity theft and online fraud is essential. The Vietnamese government has already implemented some strategies on these fronts, including the 2018 Law on Cybersecurity, which is vital for enhancing national security against cyber threats while protecting user data. Under this law, organisations must implement measures to prevent data breaches and unauthorised access to sensitive information. 

The government has also launched campaigns to raise public awareness of cybersecurity practices. Collaborative initiatives like ‘Be Safe Online, Enjoy Life with Google’ aim to educate citizens about online risks and best practices. Specialised agencies, such as security operations centres and the Authority of Information Security, monitor and respond to cyber threats in real time, bolstering the national cybersecurity framework.

The government has significantly invested in upgrading cybersecurity infrastructure by implementing advanced technologies like firewalls, intrusion detection systems and encryption methods, as well as enhancing data protection protocols and establishing secure backup methods. Vietnam also collaborates internationally to combat cybercrime, sharing information and best practices with other nations and organisations.

By implementing these synchronised efforts, Vietnam has become a leader in cybersecurity. Vietnam’s proactive stance is reflected in its ranking of 17th out of 194 countries in the 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index.

Hosting the signing ceremony of the UN Convention against Cybercrime in Hanoi symbolises Vietnam’s growing significance in global affairs and commitment to international collaboration. This event marks the first time Vietnam’s capital has been linked to a global multilateral treaty, with the ‘Hanoi Convention’ emphasising Vietnam’s central role in the global fight against cybercrime and commitment to multilateral diplomacy.

The United Nations’ selection of Hanoi underscores the significance of inclusive and democratic practices in international discussions. The Hanoi Convention, developed over nearly five years of negotiations, incorporates perspectives from both developed and developing countries, promoting a balanced and comprehensive response to cybercrime. This choice reaffirms the UN’s dedication to enhancing global trust and multilateralism.

Vietnam’s location in Southeast Asia, a strategically important region for global cyber activity, renders it a pivotal participant in regional and global affairs. Vietnam is positioned at the intersection of economic superpowers China and India, while its extensive coastline makes it important for trade and connectivity. This strategic location establishes Vietnam as a central hub for regional cooperation and international diplomacy. 

But with three out of the four highest positions in Vietnam’s party–state system — the general secretary, prime minister and president — held by individuals with police and defence backgrounds, there are concerns that Hanoi is using cybersecurity as a tool for protecting state ideology. Many observers worry that this reflects broader governance priorities, where preventing cyber threats may involve targeting dissenting voices perceived as threats to political stability and which challenge the image of the party and state leadership.

While these concerns warrant examination of how Vietnam’s political landscape shapes its cybersecurity strategies and framework, including the signing and launching of the Convention, Vietnam must continue to demonstrate its vision and effectiveness in tackling transnational organised crime through specific contributions.

Investing in cybersecurity expertise through specialised educational programs and certifications is essential for building a skilled workforce. Offering incentives like scholarships, grants and competitive salaries helps attract and retain talented professionals.

Implementing strong data protection measures is crucial for security. Organisations must encrypt sensitive information in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorised access and undertake regular audits and compliance checks to ensure adherence to standards. Organisations should create and maintain incident response plans to prepare for and effectively manage cyberattacks. Simulation exercises can enhance these strategies.

Continuous training for government officials, businesses and the public is necessary to equip them to recognise and respond to cyber threats. And international cooperation is key — collaborating with global organisations promotes intelligence sharing, which is essential to combat cybercrime effectively.

As the host city for the UN Convention signing, Hanoi will be remembered like Palermo, Italy, which signed and launched the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime in 2000. While Vietnam has made considerable progress in combatting cybercrime and ensuring cybersecurity, it will need to develop a comprehensive plan to collaborate with other countries on cybersecurity regionally and globally. 

By Hai Luong – The East Asia Forum  – March 26, 2025

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