Vietnam News

Hanoi to spend $1.7B to make public bus fleet green by 2030

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Hanoi plans to have all public vehicles running on electricity or natural gas by 2030 and has earmarked VND43 trillion (US$1.69 billion) to make the switch from gasoline.

According to a new plan presented by the administration to the city legislation for approval, all buses will be EVs or use green energy by 2025, while taxis will switch by 2030.

The plan by the Department of Transport seeks to have half each of electric and LNG/CNG buses from 2026.

New buses will be bought and existing ones modified.

Hanoi has 154 bus routes, 132 of them subsidized, with more than 2,300 vehicles operated by private companies.

The city spends VND2.3 trillion a year to subsidize fares.

By Vo Hai – – June 25, 2024 

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