Vietnam News

Qatar sets airbridge connecting Vietnam, France

Qatar Airways has now introduced an air bridge between Vietnam and France. Through this arrangement, eleven Boeing 777 freighters will operate from Hanoi in the month of May and four weekly freight-only Boeing 777 passenger aircraft will operate from Ho Chi Minh City until June for its customer, Bollore Logistics.

The flights will transport more than 2,000 tonnes of essential medical items, face masks and personal protective equipment to support the French Government and French Ministry of Health in the fight against the pandemic.

These flights are in addition to the airline’s scheduled ten weekly freighters from Vietnam.
Mr. Guillaume Halleux, chief officer cargo said, “We are glad to support France in their fight
against the Covid-19 pandemic. Our entire team is working hard to ensure critical medical
supplies are reaching places where they are needed the most. We couldn’t have done this without the help of our commercial customers who have supported us to prioritise aid and relief shipments over their existing commercial arrangements. These are difficult times, but I am confident that we will all emerge stronger after the crisis is over.”

Since March 2020, the cargo carrier has operated a number of Boeing 777F charters and
scheduled flights, bringing in over 5,000 tonnes of medical supplies and relief goods into France. The carrier also operated numerous charters with humanitarian aid and relief goods to multiple destinations in Europe.

The airline continues to operate a significant cargo schedule with approximately 175 cargo flights per day. During the past months, the cargo operator has worked closely with governments and NGOs to transport over 100,000 tonnes of medical and aid supplies to impacted regions around the world on both scheduled and charter services, the equivalent of roughly 1,000 fully loaded Boeing 777 freighters.

To ensure the safety of its crew and cargo, the carrier has implemented special procedures for
ground handling including adherence to social distancing guidelines to ensure there is minimum contact between staff. All of its freighters and passenger aircraft are equipped with face masks, gloves and hand sanitisers for crew and all the crew and staff are screened regularly. Qatar Airways Cargo utilises its full freighter fleet as per schedule and operates belly-hold cargo flights to destinations where possible.

The STAT Trade Times – May 11, 2020

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